
© Hidari Zingaro, Michael Reeder

Finally, Hidari Zingaro is presenting the exhibition by Michael Reeder “4th Dimensional Voyeur” on view from July 24, 2020 - August 14, 2020.

“4th Dimensional Voyeur” is the Los Angeles-based artist Michael Reeder’s first solo exhibition in Japan​. Inspired by his diverse background of street culture, academic fine art, wall murals, and graphic design, he creates portraits with various influences. In geometric patterns and a touch of realism incorporating motifs of skulls and statues, Reeder layers his concepts in a complex and calculated manner, creating a style that is uniquely his own. With vibrant colors, he creates a world where his aesthetic and solemn images live together, inviting viewers to examine their unconscious perceptions and ego in everyday life.


© Hidari Zingaro, Michael Reeder

Hidari Zingaro’s letter:

”Sadly, the artist wasn’t able to make it to Japan. It really is unfortunate. In Tokyo, perhaps now that many people are able to take the PCR test, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases are rapidly growing, and it was very difficult to judge whether this was the right moment to open a show. We assumed, however, that there wouldn’t be a time in the next two years or so when we can absolutely assure everything would be fine, and so we decided to go ahead and hold the show when we could.
The show was initially planned for Saturday, March 28 to Thursday, April 14 and all the artworks had already arrived well before the opening date. But in the early days of the pandemic everything was so chaotic, and I was just barely managing my responsibilities as a company owner facing Kaikai Kiki’s potential bankruptcy, that we weren’t able to sort out what to do about the exhibition right away. This has weighed heavily on my heart all this time, and so I am overjoyed that we were able to finally open the show and that we have received so many inquiries from our customers. I am truly grateful to the artist, our staff, and our good fortune.
Mr. Michael Reeder! Thank you so much for creating these powerful works for your show in Tokyo! We have wholeheartedly embraced your earnest, sincere efforts!”
@ Hidari Zingaro 左甚蛾狼


