“In the dynamic world of contemporary art, a select few talents emerge each year, captivating audiences with their unique perspectives and innovative creations. These five artists: Vanessa Raw, Sylvia Ong, Jason Ho, Amanda Ba, and Eliene Boerma are redefining the boundaries of art with their thought-provoking works. Here’s why they deserve your attention.”

– Tom Smith

Exhibition Tom Smith Exhibition Tom Smith


Anton Kern Gallery presents Hein Koh at WINDOW. This is the artist’s first solo exhibition of paintings. A longtime sculptor, her return to painting came about during the pandemic: a need to simplify her practice, and a desire to have the freedom to make loose, expressive, and emotional work.

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Exhibition Stella Lee Exhibition Stella Lee


Skarstedt announces a new gallery space opening at The Royal Poinciana Plaza in Palm Beach, Florida.

To inaugurate the space, the gallery will present KAWS: HOLIDAY, an exhibition of four aluminum sculptures based on the artist’s monumental inflatable works which toured globally.

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Exhibition Tom Smith Exhibition Tom Smith


Thinkspace Projects presents Nigerian-born multidisciplinary artist Ken Nwadiogbu’s solo exhibition ‘UBUNTU’ is an ideology of humanity, often translated as "I am because we are.”

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Exhibition Tom Smith Exhibition Tom Smith


For twenty-five years, Brooklyn-based artist KAWS has bridged the worlds of art, popular culture, and commerce. Adapting the rules of cultural production and consumption in the twenty-first century, his practice both critiques and participates in consumer culture.

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